Sunday, November 4, 2007

Embroidery machine ate my knitting!

I'm working on the surprise blanket. I did a sample of 4 squares to decide how I was going to sew everything together. Sample came out okay. It is do-able. So I was originally planning to do duplicate stitch of names/birthdates, but realized I only have 37 stitches across (8 are not usable because it is the border), so I was left with 29 stitches across. Mine, my hubby, and my daughter's names are all too long to do duplicate stitch with 29 stitches, so I decided I would try on my sample, embroidery.

It worked just fine. Initials are one of the hardest on sewing, so I did that. No problems.......
Ooops....I get the name done, going good....getting to the birthdate, so far so good. The LAST NUMBER, break the top thread. Re-thread....going along and bang! The stitches get stuck. By the time I realize it's NOT's too late. The only thing to do is cut. It was stuck on the bottom at the bobbin level. Luckily, I only have to knit another yellow square, but now what am I going to do? I have no idea....I guess I'll let it Purculate in the back of my brain for awhile and see what comes out.


Vixygirl said...

Remove the piece from the machine and rethread. Bobbin thread is loose and that causes it to bunch, especially on softer fabrics.

What are friends for?

Frieda said...

Try using a water soluble on top. that is what I have done.

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Oh, these tips are helpful. I'm a little intimidated by all the features on my sewing machine (it was a gift and I still don't know how to use all its features). That blanket is going to be really cute!!