Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Charitible Donations this week!

10 burial wraps and hats are finished and will be going to a hospital in Tennessee for angels who have passed on. This is an on going project that I work on for HAIN.
I still want to make some memory pouches to hold ultrasound pictures, or other memories for the parents of these babies.

These are kitchen sets to raise funds for the propane fund at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. These donations are for the group I belong to on yahoo called Crafting for a Cause. LuAnne will be putting the sets in the group store located here. The store raises dollars and ALL dollars are given to the propane company to help families cover the costs associated with keeping the families warm during the winter. There are some really neat things for sale right now in the store, so if you get a moment, check it out!
Well, that's it for today....back to sewing as I have 4 burial gowns and hats done and want to work on blankets to go with them. So hopefully today, I'll have more to post later on. Happy knitting all!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Austin's Sweaters

This is the L'illo pattern sweater I made for Austin. The yarn is I Love This Cotton by Hobby Lobby. The pattern is very well written and this is the first time I have done a saddle and was very worried when I was working on it and praying the pieces would all fit together. I shouldn't have worried, as it all went together exactly as written. As everyone knows, sometimes you have to "fiddle" with the pattern, but I have to say, when the designed writes so many rows/inches, she is exactly on target. This is the 12 month size so it should fit him to spring. He's still very tiny and just now fitting into 12 months clothes. I still haven't done a matching hat. I've tried, but so far I have failed. It might be the fact that the yarn is 100% cotton so it really doesn't have a lot of "give", but going to try again. This will be my 3rd time on the hat. :(

This is a hooded crochet sweater on Bernat's site. You have to be a member of Bernet to get to their patterns, but it was an easy sweater to do and didn't take any time at all. This was the 12 month size which is supposed to be 18" chest size, but comparing the 2 sweaters together, this is more of a toddler size sweater. I'm thinking he's actually not going to be wearing this until the fall at the rate he is growing. :)

Happy Knitting All!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Most Cherished Christmas Present

I was sitting outside after Thanksgiving but way before Christmas when I looked over at the wood pile and what do I spy....A Pecan Log that had a perfect heart in the middle of the log.....I called hubby outside and said...look at that log. I've never seen anything like it. I asked hubby for a slice of it, finished, for a cutting board or something. Of course, he thought it was really neat, but that I was a little crazy! Instead of a cutting board, I got a piece of "ART". Hubby sanded, and polished, and mineral oiled, and sanded, and polished, and for Christmas I got this! It truly is a piece of Art. I have it standing in the book case right now, until I find a perfect place to hang it. God is wonderful and amazing and this piece of wood makes you wonder, how did a heart grow in the middle of that branch?
Happy Knitting all. By the way, I finished the sweater for Austin, but NOW Bina wants a matching hat, so hopefully I can finish and post pictures tomorrow of the sweater set. It is gorgeous! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Small Projects done

Just a bunch of different dishcloths and potholders for different small swaps.

A couple of scarves and a hat.

Really, not much to talk about. Been keeping busy with small swaps and small projects in between cleaning closets and stuff. I am working on a sweater for Austin and hoping to have it finished tomorrow. Have to finish a sleeve and then block/sew it together.

Boring Post I know. More tommorrow. Happy Knitting All!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! Welcome 2009

I'm sure I have some pictures I didn't post for 2008. Oh well, I did work on some things over the past week, but I've decided to start this a new...with a new year! I welcome the new year with the challenge of finding a job I want to do, not something I have to do! Losing my job in November is probably a blessing as I need to think about me this year...what do I want to do. I can't stay home as I'll get bored and spend way too much money....Been there, done that quite a few years ago. I don't have to work, I just need to work. I now have the luxury of working because I want to...not to pay for kid's college, or after school activities or a new vehicle, or someone's medical bills, or, or, or....etc. But I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up...okay, I'm grown-up, just don't feel like it especially when it comes to a job. I don't think of them as careers, since I never figured out a career.

So...until I figure this out, Happy New Year everyone!