Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Computer is Down!

My laptop computer is down right now and hubby still doesn't have it up and running.

I finished my monkey socks for Monkey Swap#4 and they are on their way to my pal. I hope she likes them.

I received my box in for the Spring Fling Coffee Swap and it was wonderful. I will post pictures as soon as I can and update this post. It was filled with coffee, bread, flowers, a container, a beautiful pie bird, etc. Thank you so much for the package. Unfortunately, I am trying to do this from work and the box is at home! :( I'm sure I will be up and running soon and will update at that time. Please have patience with me!


Lovs2Knit said...

Sending good computer vibes your way. Hope you're computer is up and running soon. It drives me crazy when something goes wrong with my computer or the internet.

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I cant wait to see your goodies:)Hugs Darcy

Melissa Deutsch Scott said...

I loves my monkeysocks. I have them on right NOW. Much distraction -- want to play with new yarn, but must work. So off I go, in my gorgeous socks.
Thanks so much, Mel, in Oz