Monday, July 30, 2007

Drum-Roll Please!!!!!!

Well, I am also busy knitting "little things"! I am going to be a grandmother for the FIRST time, so now you know what I have been doing! Besides holding daughter's head (she has morning and evening sickness - YUCK!) I am knitting, knitting away! Also working on a surprise blanket, but since I don't know if she reads my blog, I can't post that for awhile. The sweater (to me) appears to be very very small (haven't seening a "midget" in quite awhile) so I am making another sweater in white that is bigger! Hoping one of them will fit. Will add details (blue or pink) once the little "jelly bean" gets big enough to figure out what sex it is! LOL
Happy knitting!

1 comment:

Lovs2Knit said...

Yippy for baby knitting. Gotta love the instant gratification!