These are 3 strips measuring 36" long by 7 rows. Tammy wants to make a comfortghan out of strips for a boy going into the hospital. She said it would take 15-20 strips, so I volunteered to make 3 of them. Would love to see how this turns out as I'm still not sure how she is putting them together.
30 6" squares done for a little girl that loves mickey. she is going on the liver transplant list and her mother wants to make an afghan to comfort her during all that will be going on over the next few months. I made one of the squares knitted and finished all 4 sides so it will be easy to make the trim work on the square to include in the blanket. I did a crocheted cast on and purled the first stitch of every row and for the cast off I did a knit-2 together thru the back loop, return to left needle and continue with the k2tg. It finishes the cast off just like the sides. I love this cast off when working with dishcloths as all 4 sides look the same.
Also made a little carry tote for Nesa. The bag says Nesa's Stuff and it is filled with coloring books, instruction books like adding/subtracting, writing, etc. a couple of mickey reading books and playing cards. Figured she could have something to do while she is waiting around hospitals for all the tests. Overall I'm pleased with how it came out.
4 more 12" squares going for another comfortghan. I think I am done with what I have volunteered. I really need to get back to knitting as I miss it very much!
And of course, another picture of Austin. Getting tired of looking at him yet? LOL He is so funny now and loves to laugh. He found his hands so he wrings them out all the time. I laugh so much watching him find new things.
Happy Knitting!