Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A month? where did it go?

This is an emergency shipment to a family for an "angel". I didn't think I could complete 2 burial wraps, a small hat and a memory box in one night, but I did. I hope it brings the family some comfort during their time of need and shows the support of the whole "hain" foundation during their sorrow.

How about Austin's first feeding of himself? Of course, he had to have a bath afterwards! :)

A couple of bibs I finished for austin.

child squares for scarfs
These were squares I knit (yes, I did say knit! LOL) and added embroidered details to. The squares will be used as "pockets" in scarfs that are being done by the leaders for "scarfs for victim abuse"

I'm doing the traveling teddy on Ravelry and this is Norbert. I showed Norbert around Memphis and here he is in the information center on the river.

Happy Knitting everyone! And Hopefully, it won't be a month before I post again. Wow! By the way, I am still boycotting M&M's and nope, haven't bought or eaten them. My own one family boycott! :)